You already know you’re going to Hell someday, the question is which sin will be the one that finally sends you careening into the fiery abyss. Will it be the hooker you killed in Atlantic City? The time you kidnapped a bear and let it loose on a bus full of the elderly? What about the time you illegally downloaded Game Of Thrones? Let us figure out which sin is officially sending you to hell:

  1. A Girl Scout comes to your door selling cookies. You tell her:

    A Girl Scout comes to your door selling cookies. You tell her:
  2. Your childhood favorite memory is:

  3. Your favorite video game is:

  4. You find a wallet on the ground with $100 in it. You decide to:

  5. The last song you downloaded off of iTunes was:

    The last song you downloaded off of iTunes was:
  6. You come across a child who has just dropped their ice cream. Before the tears start, you:

  7. An old lady asks you to help her across the street. You respond by:

  8. Your mom calls and says she's coming over for a visit. Before she gets there, you have to:

  9. If you somehow wound up in heaven instead, the first thing you said to God would be:

    If you somehow wound up in heaven instead, the first thing you said to God would be:

You’re not dead yet! Before you go, why not find out Why No One Loves You?

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