5. You feel like an introvert, but you don’t feel shy.

You’re not “shy like the weird kid in high school who had an actual panic attack in AP History when he had to read a paragraph aloud from the textbook.” You’re more “shy and looking out from underneath your bangs at a tea shop while listening to Kraftwerk hoping it’s loud enough that someone attractive will notice and think you have great taste in music and come over and start a conversation with you, which you’re more than happy to engage in.” You’re a fucking beautiful spirit, and that’s why you’re an extroversional invert with outgoing invertedly extrovasive inversiveness.

6. When you’re interested in something, you’re happy to talk about it. But when you’re not, you prefer to sit back and refuse to participate in the conversation.

This happens to you all the time: someone brings up Charlie Kaufman films or Jill Stein and you can rattle on for hours, almost until the entire group has wandered away! No one could call you an introvert—you have your opinions about 99 Percent Invisible, and you are going to share them. What you can’t do is listen to someone prattle on about something you know nothing about; that’s for the amoebas known as extroverts. If the group starts enthusiastically chatting about the upcoming season of Game of Thrones or any other dredge, feel free to exit the conversation. As an extroinvertational intraextrovert with extrainversional extrovertuitiveness, you don’t owe it to anyone to feel unnecessarily bored.

7. Arguments are incredibly stressful when you’re not winning them. 

You’re not bad at asserting yourself. In fact, you’re pretty good at it when you feel wronged. But as soon as you feel like you’re being asked to take some blame for the situation, arguing suddenly becomes extremely stressful for you. This is not your fault. You may be tempted to let yourself be bulldozed by this other person trying to have a conversation with you, but don’t let them. Being conflict averse doesn’t make you inherently wrong. Remember to stand up for yourself, even if the other person is making good points. You’re an extroverted introversionally introextro-extrointrosive introceptive extro-extrovert with extrovasive intravertedly extroverted introversional pseudo-inclinations, which means you’re nobody’s doormat.

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