Heโ€™s the first-generation immigrant who works 200 hours a week. He hovers over his children 24/7 to ensure they get into the Ivy League (no Brown though, of course). Heโ€™s High-Expectations Asian Father, and he isnโ€™t putting up with any hint of failure:

Be Anything You Want Doctor or Engineer

High Expectation  Asian Father Sister At Harvard

High-Expectations Asian Father Meme Play Violin Or Piano

High-Expectations Father Facebook and Study

High Asian Father B-Cup?

High-Expectations Father You Doctor Yet?

High-Expectations Asian Father Meme You in AA?

Asian Father Homework Never Finished

And of course, the classic:

Asian Father Meme Hepatitis A Plus

And the newcomer favorite:

High-Expectations Asian Father A-Bomb In Class
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