Fact: Everyone has a weight issue. The question is: what kind of weight issue do you have? By taking this simple quiz you will not only learn what’s wrong with your diet, but also which celebrity shares your exact same problem – and then you’ll feel better, right? So what’s holding you back? Let us guess your weight and make you feel like a star!

  1. You get the munchies at 1:00am so you drive to the nearest McDonald's. What do you order?

    You get the munchies at 1:00am so you drive to the nearest McDonald's. What do you order?
  2. What's the grossest thing that you've ever eaten?

    What's the grossest thing that you've ever eaten?
  3. What's your workout routine like?

    What's your workout routine like?
  4. Your doctor tells you to go on a diet. Which one do you choose?

    Your doctor tells you to go on a diet. Which one do you choose?
  5. What's your favorite food?

    What's your favorite food?
  6. Have you ever been teased about your body?

    Have you ever been teased about your body?
  7. Have you ever been diagnosed with an eating disorder or food addiction?

    Have you ever been diagnosed with an eating disorder or food addiction?
  8. Do you ever eat for emotional reasons?

    Do you ever eat for emotional reasons?
  9. Do you have a hard time finding clothes that fit?

    Do you have a hard time finding clothes that fit?
  10. Has anyone ever told you that you need to lose/gain weight?

    Has anyone ever told you that you need to lose/gain weight?

Enjoy this ‘Guess Your Weight & Feel Like A Star’ Quiz? Why not check out “What Kind Of Earthling Spokesman For Extraterrestrial Life on Planet Earth Are You?”

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